Basic Naomi Commandline Options
From the command line Naomi may be run with a significant number of options to fine tune its operation, handle plugins or control output/input. The following covers only those most commonly used by newer users.
- -h, --help => Shows the full listing of help message and exit.
- --debug => Produce detailed debug messages on the terminal. This is typically a very long listing so it is usually useful to pipe the output to a file for more convenient review. This can be done using --debug |& tee ~/naomi.log to put the file into your home directory. (At this time Naomi does not have error logging to file built in.)
- --repopulate => Rebuilds the configuration profile.
- --install [PLUGINS_TO_INSTALL] => Install plugin from the Naomi Plugin Exchange (NPE) and exit.
- --update [PLUGINS_TO_UPDATE] => Update specific plugin or all plugins and exit.
- --remove [PLUGINS_TO_REMOVE] => Remove (uninstall) plugin completely from Naomi and exit.
- --disable [PLUGINS_TO_DISABLE] => Disable plugin but leave it installed and exit.
- --enable [PLUGINS_TO_ENABLE] => Enable plugin so that is part of the Naomi operational environment and exit.
- --list-active-plugins => List all the active installed plugins and exit. This is useful to check if the install and/or enable processes have completed successfully.
- --list-available-plugins => List all the available plugins from the NPE and exit.
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