Sponsor Naomi Development
Project Naomi is an MIT licensed open source project and completely free to use. However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for the project and the infrastructure behind it is not sustainable without proper financial backing.
You can support Naomi development via the following methods:
One-time Donations
We accept donations through these channels:
Recurring Pledges
Recurring pledges come with exclusive perks, e.g. having your name listed in the Naomi GitHub repository, or have your company logo placed on this website.
- Become a backer or sponsor via OpenCollective (goes into a fund with transparent expense models supporting community efforts and events)
Current Premium Sponsors
OpenCollective Platinum
OpenCollective Gold
OpenCollective Silver
If you run a business and are using Naomi in a revenue-generating product, it makes business sense to sponsor Naomi development: it ensures the project that your product relies on stays healthy and actively maintained. It can also help your exposure in the Naomi community.
If you are an individual user and have enjoyed the productivity of using Naomi, consider donating as a sign of appreciation - like buying us coffee once in a while 😃